
About the company

«Caterinburg» is a professional food service operator. Included in the TOP-5 of the largest Federal outsourcers, providing food services in Russia, is the undisputed leader of the Ural region.
Being a professional operator, «Caterinburg» is represented in all sectors of food service: its own cafe network, corporate restaurants in business centers and headquarters, canteens in industrial enterprises, universities, schools and kindergartens, catering in medical institutions and children's health camps.


  • 13 years in food service
  • Annual turnover of the company – 3 billion rubles
  • Number of employees – 4 000 people
  • Every day the company services – 120 000 people
  • Facilities under management – 500
  • Territory of presence – 4 Federal districts in Russian Federation

+7 (343) 380-00-19

Russia, Ekaterinburg, 23, Tkachei Str., 8 th floor